User Roles allows Treasury Service businesses to designate specific rights and features for additional digital banking users which are created under User Management.

Managing User Roles enables you to create and manage user roles within digital banking.

  • Create
  • Edit (pencil icon)
  • Manage (pencil icon)
  • Delete (trash icon)

User Role Templates

Templates are available if you want to create a role with the same traits as an existing template.

To create a User Role based on an existing or default role:

  1. In the navigation Menu, select or tap Commercial then User Roles.
  2. Select or tap the copy icon, to copy the role and enter a new name and
  3. Enter a Role Name.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Description.
  5. Select or tap Save. The Policy Saved page confirms the policy changes.
  6. Select or tap Close.

Create a User Role

  1. In the navigation Menu, select or tap Commercial > User Roles.
  2. Select or tap Create Role.
  3. Enter a Role Name.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Description.
  5. Select or tap Save.
  6. Select or tap Close.

Edit Rights and Permissions

  1. In the navigation Menu, select or tap Commercial > User Roles. The User Roles page appears.
  2. Select or tap the edit (pencil icon) in the desired User Role’s row. The selected User Role page appears.
  3. In the Overview tab, select or tap the desired Transaction Type. The Allowed Actions tab appears with the defined Allowed Actions for that Transaction Type.
  4. Select or tap the Rights tab and select a view right.
  5. Select or tap Save.

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