The User Management page lists all of the Commercial Digital Banking users (employees).

Every user has an individual set of rights, including:

  • Rights to create payments and templates of specific Transaction Types
  • Limits on the transactions the user can approve
  • Rights to access specific accounts
  • Rights to features in Commercial Digital Banking
  • Transaction view capabilities

These rights control what each user can do in Commercial Digital Banking. Manage these rights by giving users the permissions that they need to perform their jobs.

The rights, features, and accounts assigned to the Business user you create for your business are driven by your needs and factors such as the business structure, number of owners, and number of employees. Certain features can be assigned to each specific user.

User Access

  1. From the User Rights page, select the Accounts tab. This lists the accounts that a User can access.
  2. Select Edit (pencil icon) to view more User details. The following information appears for each user:
    • Name
    • Email address
    • The time since the user last logged in
    • Account status
  1. Select the View User page to:
    • See the phone number associated with the User
    • Deactivate the User
    • Assign Rights
    • Delete the User

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