Recipients allows you to add a person or entity in which the business desires to send funds to, prior to sending a payment. A recipient is any person or business your business can send funds to or receive funds from. After you create a recipient, you can include the recipient in multiple payments or templates.

  • A payment or a template must have at least one recipient assigned
  • If the recipient for a payment or template does not exist, you can add a recipient when you create the payment or template
  • Each recipient must have one or more associated accounts
  • If the recipient account(s) have the required information to support that transaction type, recipients will appear in the payment workflows for ACH and wire
  • If necessary, you can associate a different existing Recipient account with an existing template if the Recipient account has changed for the template (for example, for fraud or closed account situations)

Add a Recipient

  1. In the navigation Menu, select or tap Commercial then Recipients.
  2. On the Recipient Management page, select or tap Add Recipient.
  1. On the Recipient Detail tab, do the following:
    1. Enter the Display Name. The display name appears in online and mobile banking to help you recognize the recipient.
    2. Enter the ACH Name and the ACH ID.
    3. Enter the Email Address to notify the recipient when a transaction processes, otherwise it can be left blank.
    4. From the Country drop-down list, select the country. The address fields change based on the country selection.
    5. Enter the postal address information.
  2. Select Next.
  3. The Account – New tab appears. Select one of the following Payment Types Allowed:
    • ACH Only
    • ACH and Wire Only
    • Wire Only
  4. Select one of the following Beneficiary Types:
    • Domestic
    • International
  5. If the Beneficiary Type is International, select one of the following International Account Types:
    • IBAN
  6. In the Account Detail area, select the account type in the Account Type field.
  7. Enter the account number in the Account field.
    1. For the ACH and Wire payment types, enter the routing number in the ACH Routing Number field. You must enter a valid routing number.
    2. If you plan to use the account with wire transfers, do the following in the Beneficiary Financial Institution area:
      1. Enter the Name.
      2. From the Country drop-down list, select the country. (Note: The address fields change based on the country selection.)
      3. If the country is the United States, enter the Wire Routing Number. If the country is not the United States, enter the IBAN or SWIFT/BIC numbers.
      4. Enter the postal address information.
    3. If you plan to use the account with wire transfers and the beneficiary Financial Institution requires an intermediary Financial Institution, do the following in the Intermediary Financial Institution area:
      1. Enter the Name.
      2. From the Country drop-down list, select the country. The address fields change based on the country selection.
      3. If the country is the United States, enter the Wire Routing Number. If the country is not the United States, enter the IBAN or SWIFT/BIC numbers.
      4. Enter the postal address information.
  8. For Corporate users only:
    1. Enter the Financial Institution Name or Financial Institution Routing Number. As you type, relevant results will appear in a drop-down list from which you can select the appropriate value.
    2. After you select a value, several fields will populate with values automatically, depending on the payment type.
  9. Select Save Recipient. The new recipient appears in the Recipient Management page.

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