Positive Pay (Fraud Prevention) is designed for Commercial Digital Banking members that write checks or have ACH items.

Commercial Digital Banking members that have Positive Pay will receive daily e-mails, usually before open of business. The email will state if there are exceptions items to decision or that there are no exceptions for the day.


  • Uses daily account reconciliation to detect check and ACH fraud
  • Ability to add ACH authorization rules
  • Reduces possibility of loss due to fraudulent or altered checks
  • Review exceptions/discrepancies in check numbers, dollar amounts, and dates
  • Protects against lost or stolen checks

Adding a Check

  1. You will add check information within the Positive Pay system including amount, check number, and date written.

  1. Once you select “Add Check,” it will be added to the “Checks Added” section:

Launch Advanced Options

  • Ability to do the same four functionalities as the “quick screen” but with additional functions
    • Void a check
    • Check and ACH search
    • Transaction Reports
    • Add Authorization rules
  1. In the navigation Menu, select or tap Commercial then Positive Pay.
  2. Select or tap Launch Advanced Options.

Submit a check file in PP:

  • Submit a Check File allows multiple checks to be uploaded at one time.
  • The file must be in CSV format and include full MICR number, check number, check amount, Issuance date and Payee name.

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