Manage Joints allows you to see an overview of who is joint on each share on the account. Options to Add a Joint or Remove a Joint are available to update who is joint on the shares on the account.

Request to Add a Joint

  1. Select Manage Joints found under the Accounts menu.
  1. A summary of who is joint on each account is at the bottom of the page. Select Add a Joint at the top of the page.
  1. Check the box next to each share the joint should be added to. If a checking is selected, the option to add a debit card will display. Check the debit card option to request a card be ordered for the new joint.
  1. Complete the personal information for the individual being added joint.
  1. Once all required fields are complete, click Submit This Request to Add a Joint.
  2. Click Close on the Success popup to be redirected to the Home page.

Request to Remove a Joint

  1. Select Manage Joints found under the Accounts menu. Joint owners will be displayed below each share. If there are no joints for a share, “No Joint Owners” will appear below it.
  1. A summary of who is joint on each account is at the bottom of the page. Select Remove a Joint at the top of the page.
  1. For each joint you are requesting to remove, check the box next to their name(s) under the appropriate share and enter a valid email address for each selected joint. A valid email for the joint is required to complete the signing process.
  1. Once all required fields are complete, click Submit.
  2. Click Close on the Success popup to be redirected to the Home page.

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